General information

Antifreeze is flammable. Therefore, keep Antifreeze for washer fluid

Antifreeze is flammable. Therefore, keep it away from sources of ignition.

Only keep it in the closed original container and inaccessible to children.

Follow the instructions on the container.

    See also:

    Playing music
    Music searchAll tracks for which additional information has been stored can be accessed by the music search. Tracks without additional information can be called up via the corresponding album. 1. ...

    Notes on Emergency Requests
    Do not use the voice activation system to initiate an Emergency Request. In stressful situations, the voice and vocal pitch can change. This can unnecessarily delay the establishment of a teleph ...

    Dialing a phone number 1. ›Dial number‹ 2. Say the phone number. 3. ›Dial‹ Correcting the phone number The sequence of digits can be deleted after the system has repeated the digits. ›Correct ...