Tire tread

Summer tires

Do not drive with a tire tread depth of less than 0.12 in/3 mm.

There is an increased danger of hydroplaning if the tread depth is less than 0.12 in/3 mm.

Winter tires

Do not drive with a tire tread depth of less than 0.16 in/4 mm.

Below a tread depth of 0.16 in/4 mm, tires are less suitable for winter operation.

Minimum tread depth

Wear indicators are distributed around the tire's

Wear indicators are distributed around the tire's circumference and have the legally required minimum height of 0.063 in/1.6 mm.

They are marked on the side of the tire with TWI, Tread Wear Indicator.

    See also:

    Connecting a particular mobile phone
    If more than one mobile phone is detected by the vehicle, the mobile phone at the top of the list is connected. A different mobile phone can be connected by selecting it. 1. "Telephone&quo ...

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