Services status

Displaying available services

Display of all services available in the vehicle.

1. "BMW Assist" or "ConnectedDrive"
2. "Service Status"
3. "Available services"

Displaying available services
Displaying available services

Updating BMW Assist

Manual update of TeleService and BMW Assist.

1. "BMW Assist" or "ConnectedDrive"
2. "Service Status"
3. "Update BMW Assist"

Data transfer

During the updating of BMW services, display the status of the data transfer.

1. "BMW Assist" or "ConnectedDrive"
2. Open "Options".
3. "Data transfer"

    See also:

    Switching on automatically
    With the engine running or the ignition switched on, shift the selector lever into position R. The image of the rear view camera is displayed when the system has been switched on using iDrive. ...

    Remove unnecessary cargo
    Additional weight increases fuel consumption. ...

    Rear doors
    Rear doors Push the locking lever on the rear doors down. The door can now be opened from the outside only. ...