Securing cargo

Securing cargo
Securing cargo

After loading, secure the ski bag and its contents.

Tighten the retaining strap on the tensioning buckle for this purpose.

Secure the ski bag in this way. Failure to Securing the ski bag
Secure the ski bag in this way. Failure to do so may cause it to endanger occupants during braking or evasive maneuvers.◀

    See also:

    Speed limit
    Entry of a speed limit which, when reached, should cause a Check Control message to be issued. Renewed warning if the vehicle speed drops below the set speed limit once by at least 3 mph/ 5 k ...

    Using the door lock
    General information Locking from the outside Do not lock the vehicle from the outside if there are people in it, as the vehicle cannot be unlocked from inside without special knowledge. The ...
