
Displaying notes

1.  "Office"
2.  "Notes"

All notes are displayed.

Displaying a note

1.  Select the desired note.

2.  To scroll through the note, if necessary:

2.  To scroll through the note, if necessary:

> Turn the controller.
> Select the symbol.  Using contact data symbol.

Using contact data

Contact data from appointments, tasks, text messages, emails, and notes can be stored or selected.

Reading a note aloud

Reading a note aloud.

    See also:

    Pull the switch. The LED lights up. The indicator lamp lights up in red. The parking brake is set. Lower lamp: indicator lamp in Canadian models Set the parking brake and further secur ...

    If this symbol is printed on the packaging or in the instructions of the hand-held transmitter, the remote-controlled device is generally compatible with the integrated universal remote con ...

    Minimum tread depth
    Minimum tread depth Wear indicators are distributed around the tire's circumference and have the legally required minimum height of 0.063 in/1.6 mm. They are marked on the side of the tire wit ...