Possible commands

Most menu items on the Control Display can be spoken as commands.

The available commands depend on which menu is currently selected on the Control Display.

There are short commands for functions of the main menu.

Some list entries, e.g. phone book entries, can likewise be selected using the voice activation system. Make sure to say list entries the same way as they appear in the respective list.

Having the possible commands read aloud

To have the available commands read aloud:

For example, if the "Settings" menu is displayed, the commands relating to settings{Voice commands}

For example, if the "Settings" menu is displayed, the commands relating to settings are read aloud.

Performing functions using short commands

Functions from the main menu can be performed directly by means of short commands, regardless of which menu item is selected, e.g.

{Vehicle status}.

List of short command of the voice activation system.

Help dialog for voice activation system

Accessing help:

Other commandsfor the help dialog:{Help}

Other commandsfor the help dialog:

> {Help with examples}: information about the current control options and the most important commands relating to them are read aloud.
> {Help with voice activation}: information about the principle operation of the voice activation system is read aloud.

    See also:

    Setting the voice dialog
    You can set whether the system should use the standard dialog or a shorter version. In the shorter variant of the voice dialog, the announcements from the system are issued in an abbreviated for ...

    Opening/closing the glass sunroof
    ▷ Press the switch in the desired direction to the resistance point and hold it there. The glass sunroof moves while the switch is being held. ▷ Press the switch in the desired ...

    Displaying contacts
    General information 1. "Office" 2. "Contacts" All contacts are listed in alphabetical order. Depending on the number of contacts, an A-Z search is offered. A symbol ind ...