Example: setting the clock

1.  Press the The main menu is displayed. button.

The main menu is displayed.

2.  Turn the controller until "Settings" is highlighted, and then press the controller.

3.  If necessary, move the controller to the left to display "Time/Date".

3.  If necessary, move the controller to the left to display "Time/Date".
4.  Turn the controller until "Time/Date" is highlighted, and then press the controller.

5.  Turn the controller until "Time:" is highlighted, and then press the

5.  Turn the controller until "Time:" is highlighted, and then press the controller.

6.  Turn the controller to set the hours and press the controller.

6.  Turn the controller to set the hours and press the controller.
7.  Turn the controller to set the minutes and press the controller.

    See also:

    Enabling operation in the rear Only possible via the iDrive in the front. 1. "Settings" 2. "Allow rear control" 3. Select the desired priority. Priority options The driver ...

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    Opening the Options menu
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