Voice phone book

Depending on how your vehicle is equipped, it may be necessary to create your own voice phone book.

The entries must be entered using voice activation and are separate from the memory in the mobile phone. Up to 50 entries can be set up.

Saving an entry

1. ›Save name‹

2. Say the name. Do not exceed the speaking duration of approx. 2 seconds.

3. Say the phone number after being prompted to do so by the system.

4. ›Save‹

Deleting an entry

1. ›Delete name‹

2. Say the name after being prompted to do so.

3. Confirm the query with ›Yes‹.

Deleting all entries

1. ›Delete phonebook‹

The dialog for deleting the phone book is opened.

2. Confirm the query with ›Yes‹.

3. Confirm the query again with ›Yes‹.

Reading and selecting entries

1. ›Read phonebook‹

The dialog for reading the phone book is opened.

2. Say ›Dial number‹ when the desired entry is read.

Selecting an entry

1. ›Dial name‹

2. Say the name after being prompted to do so.

3. Confirm the query with ›Yes‹.

    See also:

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