General information

Refuel no later than at a range of 30 miles/50 km, or operation of the engine is Refuel promptly
Refuel no later than at a range of 30 miles/50 km, or operation of the engine is not ensured and damage may occur.◄

    See also:

    Setting the voice dialog
    You can set whether the system should use the standard dialog or a shorter version. In the shorter variant of the voice dialog, the announcements from the system are issued in an abbreviated fo ...

    Side View
    The concept Side View provides an early look at cross traffic at blind driveways and intersections. Road users concealed by obstacles to the left and right of the vehicle can only be detected r ...

    Washing in automatic car washes
    Give preference to cloth car washes or those that use soft brushes in order to avoid paint damage. Notes Note the following: ▷ Make sure that the wheels and tires are not damaged by the ...