
Display the calendar

Appointments during the last 20 and the next 50 days can be displayed.

1. "Office".

2. "Calendar"

The appointments on the current day are displayed.

Selecting the calendar day

1. Select the date.

2. Select the desired day or date.

2. Select the desired day or date.

▷ "Next day".

▷ "Date:".

▷ "Previous day".

▷ "Today"

Display the appointment

1. Select the desired appointment.

2. Scroll through the appointment if necessary:

▷ Turn the controller.

Using contact data Select the symbol.

Using contact data

Contact data from appointments, tasks, text messages, e-mails and notes can be saved or selected.

Reading the appointment out loud

Read the appointment out loud.

    See also:

    Storing music
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    Ride & Handling
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