Roadside Assistance

Service availability

Roadside Assistance can be reached around the clock in many countries. You can obtain assistance there in the event of a vehicle breakdown.

Roadside Assistance

The Roadside Assistance phone number can be viewed on the iDrive or a connection to Roadside Assistance* can be established directly.

    See also:

    Calibrating the digital compass
    The digital compass must be calibrated in the event of the following: ▷ The wrong point of the compass is displayed. ▷ The point of the compass displayed does not change despite chan ...

    Different views of the route are available during destination guidance: Arrow view in the instrument cluster and on the Control Display. List of route sections. Map view. Arrow view in ...

    Adaptive light control
    The concept Adaptive light control is a variable headlamp control system that enables dynamic illumination of the road surface. Depending on the steering angle and other parameters, the light ...