Services status

Displaying available services

Display of all services available in the vehicle.

1. "BMW Assist" or "ConnectedDrive"
2. "Service Status"
3. "Available services"

Updating BMW Assist

Updating BMW Assist

Manual update of all services available in the vehicle.

"Update BMW Assist"

    See also:

    Emergency Request
    Requirements ▷ Equipment version with full preparation package mobile phone. An Emergency Request can be made, even if no mobile phones are paired with the vehicle. ▷ BMW Assist is ...

    What to do if...
    Information on suitable mobile phones The mobile phone could not be paired or connected. ▷ Is Bluetooth activated in the vehicle and on the mobile phone? Activate Bluetooth on the vehicle ...

    Instrument panel in Black Panel technology.
    Like so many aspects of the new BMW 5-Series sedan, its instrument cluster combines BMW tradition with advanced, beautiful new executions. Here the entire cluster is in a high-resolution Black Pan ...