Roadside Assistance

Service availability

Roadside Assistance can be reached around the clock in many countries. You can obtain assistance there in the event of a vehicle breakdown.

Roadside Assistance

The Roadside Assistance, phone number can be viewed on the iDrive or a connection to Roadside Assistance can be established directly.

    See also:

    With the ignition switched on: Manual transmission: Press the switch while the brake or clutch is pressed. Automatic transmission: Press the switch while the brake is pressed or transmission ...

    Switching off automatically
    System switches off: above approx. 9 mph/ 15 km/h. Switch on the system again if necessary. ...

    Children should always be in the rear
    Accident research shows that the safest place for children is in the back seat. Transporting children in the rear Only transport children younger than 13 years of age or shorter than 5 ft/1 ...