
Displaying e-mails

1. "Office".

2. "Messages".

3. Select the desired e-mail.

Displaying e-mail contacts

If the sender and recipient of an e-mail are transmitted by the mobile phone, this information is displayed in the e-mail.

If the e-mail addresses are stored in the contacts, "Sender/Recipient"

If the e-mail addresses are stored in the contacts, the contact is displayed. Select the contact to display details.

If the e-mail addresses are not stored in the contacts, only the e-mail address is displayed.

Using contact data

Contact data from appointments, tasks, text messages, e-mails and notes can be saved or selected.

Deactivating the full display

When an e-mail is opened in the vehicle, the email is fully transmitted to the vehicle. This may result in charges.

1. "Office".

2. "Messages".

3. "Options" Open.

4. "Fully download e-mails"

Only a part of the email from the cell phone is loaded into the vehicle.

Reading the e-mail out loud

Read the e-mail out loud.

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