Entering a town/city separately

The town/city can be said as a complete word.

With the destination entry menu displayed:

1. button on the steering Press the button on the steering wheel.

2. ›City‹ or ›Spell city‹

3. Wait for the system to prompt you for the town/city.

4. Say the name of the town/city, or name at least the first three letters.

Depending on the entry, up to 20 towns/cities may be suggested.

5. Select a location:

▷ Select a recommended town/city: ›Yes‹.
▷ Select a different town/city: ›New entry‹.
▷ Select an entry: ›Entry ...‹, for instance, entry 2.
▷ Spell an entry: ›Spell city‹.

6. Continue making the entry as prompted by the system.

If there are several towns/cities with the same name:

Towns/cities of the same name are grouped in a list and displayed as one location followed by an ellipsis.

1. Select an entry: ›Yes‹ or ›Entry ...‹, e. g., Entry 2.

2. Select the desired town/city.

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