A-Z search

1. "A-Z search"

2. "Town/City"

3. Select or enter the town/city.

4. "Category"

5. Select the category.

6. "Category details"
For some special destinations, multiple category details can be selected. Move the controller to the left to leave the category details.

7. "Keyword"

8. Enter the keyword.
A list of the special destinations is displayed.

9. Select a special destination.
Details are displayed.
If multiple details are stored, you can leaf
through the pages.
If a phone number is available, a connection can be established if necessary.

10. Select the symbol.

11. "Start guidance" or "Add as another destination"
Add a destination as a further destination

"Start search": if a search term is not entered, the search is repeated with the previous search term.

    See also:

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