Mounts for the lower LATCH anchors

Make sure that the lower LATCH anchors have Correctly engage the lower LATCH anchors
Make sure that the lower LATCH anchors have properly engaged and that the child restraint fixing system is resting snugly against the backrest; otherwise, the degree of protection offered may be reduced.◀

Mounts for the lower LATCH anchors
Mounts for the lower LATCH anchors

The mounts for the lower LATCH anchors are located at the points indicated by the arrows.

    See also:

    Functional requirements
    The system must have been initialized when the tire inflation pressure was correct; otherwise, reliable signaling of a flat tire is not ensured. Initialize the system after each correction of th ...

    Renaming a station
    A station with changing station names can be renamed. 1. "Radio". 2. "FM" or "AM". 3. Select the desired station. 4. "Options" Open. 5. "Rename to:& ...

    Concierge service
    General informationThe Concierge service of BMW Assist will inform you, for example, about upcoming events, filling station, or hotels and supplies you with their phone numbers and addresses. Many ...