What to do if …

What to do if…

> The current position cannot be displayed?

The position is in an unrecognized region, in a poor reception area, or the system is in the process of determining the position. Reception is generally available when you are in the open.

> The destination guidance does not accept a destination without a street name?

A downtown area cannot be determined for the town or city that has been entered. Input any street in the selected town/city and start destination guidance.

> The destination guidance does not accept a destination?

The destination data is not contained in the navigation data. Choose a destination as close as possible to the original one.

> The letters for a destination cannot be selected during destination entry?

The stored data do not contain the data of the destination. Select a destination that is as close as possible to the original.

> The map view is displayed in grayscale? "Traffic conditions/gray map" active: the Control Display changes to a grayscale display. This enables a better view of the traffic bulletins.
> Voice instructions are no longer issued before intersections during destination guidance?

The area has not been fully recorded yet, or you have left the recommended route and the system requires a few seconds to calculate a new route suggestion.

    See also:

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