
Displaying the task list

Display tasks that are due within the next 90 days.

1. "Office"

2. "Tasks"

Sorting the task list

1. Select the header in the task list.

2. Select the sorting criterion:

2. Select the sorting criterion:

  • "Priority (!)"*
  • "Subject"
  • "Due date"

Displaying the task

1. Select the desired task.

2. Scroll in the task if necessary:

  • Turn the controller.
  • Select the symbol. Select the symbol.

Using contact data

Contact data from appointments, e-mails and notes can be saved or selected*.

Reading the task out loud*

Read the task out loud.

    See also:

    The concept
    The DTC system is a version of the DSC in which forward momentum is optimized. The system ensures maximum forward momentum on special road conditions, e.g., unplowed snowy roads, but driving st ...

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    Transmitting the settings
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