Changing the scale

1. 2. To change the scale: turn the controller. Select the symbol.

2. To change the scale: turn the controller.

Automatically scaled map scale

In the map view facing north, turn the controller in any direction until the AUTO scale is displayed. The map shows the entire route between the current location and the destination.

    See also:

    General information
    The following functions are available: ▷ Use of a mobile phone as a telephone. ▷ Use of a mobile phone as an additional telephone. ▷ Use of a mobile phone as an audio source. ...

    Fuel specifications
    Gasoline engine: required fuel Do not use fuels that are labeled at the fuel pump as containing metals. Only refuel with lead-free gasoline without metal additives Do not refuel with leaded ...

    Displaying a list of route sections
    When destination guidance has been started, a list of the route sections can be displayed. The driving distance and traffic bulletins are displayed for each route section. 1. "Navigation&q ...