Roadside Assistance

Service availability

Roadside Assistance can be reached around the clock in many countries. You can obtain assistance there in the event of a vehicle breakdown.

Roadside Assistance

The Roadside Assistance, phone number can be viewed on the iDrive or a connection to Roadside Assistance can be established directly.

    See also:

    Power failure
    After a temporary power loss, some equipment needs to be reinitialized. Individual settings need to be reprogrammed: ▷ Seat, mirror, and steering wheel memory: store the positions again. ...

    Front airbags
    Front airbags help protect the driver and front passenger by responding to frontal impacts in which safety belts alone cannot provide adequate restraint. ...

    The concept
    After the mobile phone is paired once with the vehicle, the mobile phone can be operated via iDrive, the steering wheel buttons and via voiceactivated command. A paired mobile phone is automati ...