General information

Additional information can be displayed on the right side of the split screen, e.g., information from the computer.

In the divided screen view, the so-called split screen, this information remains visible even when you change to another menu.

    See also:

    Swapping the telephone and additional telephone
    The function of the telephone and additional telephone can be swapped automatically. 1. "Telephone" 2. "Bluetooth® (phone)" 3. "Swap phone/addit. phone" ...

    Configuring cell phone
    Additional functions can be activated or deactivated for paired and connected mobile phones. 1. "Telephone" 2. "Bluetooth® (phone)" 3. Highlight the mobile phone to be configu ...

    Parking lamps
    Switch position : the vehicle lamps light up on all sides, e.g., for parking. Do not use the parking lamps for extended periods; otherwise, the battery may become discharged and it would the ...