Additional functions

Activating/deactivating the additional functions

Activate the functions before pairing to be able to use them in the vehicle. Information on suitable mobile phones that support this function.

1. "Telephone".

2. "Bluetooth® (phone)".

3. "Options" Open.

4. "Configure Bluetooth®".

5. Select the desired additional function.

▷ "Additional telephone".

▷ "Office".

▷ "Bluetooth® audio".

6. "OK"

As long as an additional function is deactivated, it cannot be assigned to a telephone.

Additional telephone

A mobile phone can be used as an additional telephone.

The additional telephone can be used to accept incoming calls. While a call is active on the additional telephone, incoming calls are displayed on the Control Display.

Audio source

A mobile phone can be used as an audio source.

    See also:

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